Entries by Vinita Nair Dedhia

Perched at the Peak: Compliance Officer as CXO

– Do LODR changes force all companies to change their org structures? – Vinita Nair, Senior Partner (corplaw@vinodkothari.com) With the enforcement of recent amendments in LODR Regulations effective December 12, 2024 a qualified company secretary appointed as a Compliance Officer (‘CO’) is required to be an officer, who is in whole-time employment of the listed […]

Laundry List: SEBI’s proposal to elongate list of deemed UPSIs

Critical Reg. 30 events assimilate into illustrative list of UPSI as SEBI strives for EoDB and easier compliance requirement Refer Consultation Paper | Time to provide comments – by Nov 30 Vinita Nair | corplaw@vinodkothari.com If your idea of price sensitive information, which companies have to guard as confidential until disclosed to investors, is something […]

Bond market needs a friend, not parent

Policies seem to be working at cross-purposes Vinita Nair, Senior Partner | corplaw@vinodkothari.com The need to promote bond markets is almost cliched, and does not require elaboration. However, when one observes the regulatory and fiscal developments concerning bond markets in recent times, one wonders whether there is a clear and unified sense of direction. The […]

Private sector banks to continuously monitor major shareholders

RBI Directions, 2023 require banks to have a mechanism to detect violation w.r.t. RBI prior approval and ‘fit and proper’ status – Vinita Nair, Senior Partner | corplaw@vinodkothari.com Given their systemic significance, ensuring that ownership of banks neither gets concentrated, nor falls into wrong hands, has always been important. Therefore, acquisition of shares or voting […]

SEBI to provide debenture holders the right to object material related party transactions

Complicates approval process for closely held High Value Debt Listed Entities – Vinita Nair, Senior Partner | vinita@vinodkothari.com SEBI continues to tighten the regulatory regime for debt listed entities as it aims to promote corporate bond market. After equating debt listed entities with outstanding value of listed non-convertible debt securities of Rs. 500 crore and […]