Entries by executive

Securing the Beat: Tuning into Music Royalty Securitization

Dayita Kanodia | finserv@vinodkothari.com “Music can change the world” –Ludwig van Beethoven This quote by Beethoven remains relevant today, not only within the music industry but also in the realm of finance. In the continually evolving landscape of finance, innovative strategies emerge to monetize various assets. One such groundbreaking concept gaining traction in recent years […]

Finance Ministry to modernize the Indian Stamp Act

Archana Kejriwal | corplaw@vinodkothari.com The Ministry of Finance, Government of India, through its Department of Revenue, has issued a draft Indian Stamp Bill, 2023[1] on 17th January, 2024 inviting public comments and suggestions within 30 days, with an intent to align it with the modern stamp duty regime. Once enacted, the Bill seeks to replace […]

Do’s and Don’ts for Investment Advisors

Hari Dwivedi | corplaw@vinodkothari.com Introduction SEBI, the regulatory body overseeing various intermediaries in primary and secondary markets, such as merchant bankers, portfolio managers, research analysts, debentures trustees, underwriters, stock brokers, sub brokers, bankers to an issue, investment advisors, registered custodians, and more, has registered over 33,000 intermediaries as per SEBI’s recognized intermediaries data. Among them, […]

Finance Companies / Units in International Financial Services Centre (IFSC)

– Anirudh Grover, Executive | finserv@vinodkothari.com Table of Contents Background IFSCA Framework for Finance Companies / Units Implications under FEMA What are Finance Companies and Finance Units? Registration Requirements Asset Side Transactions What does a finance company/unit do? Owned Funds requirement Capital and Liabilities Side Transactions Can they accept deposits? Corporate Governance Aspects Difference between […]