
Implementation of Compliance Function by NBFC-ML

Eliza Bahrainwala, Executive|

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Our related resources on the topic:-

  1. Enhanced Corporate Governance and Compliance Function for larger NBFCs
  2. Compliance Risk Assessment

Our Resource Centre on SBR:

Compliance Risk Assessment

Guidance for implementation by NBFCs

Subhojit Shome, Assistant Manager |


The RBI published the Compliance Function and Role of Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) – NBFCs[1] on April 11, 2022 (‘Compliance Circular’) that are applicable on Middle Layer (NBFC-ML) and Upper Layer NBFCs (NBFC-UL) and the deadline to put into place the framework for this function falls due on October 1, 2023 for NBFC-ML and April 1, 2023 for NBFC-UL entities.

The circular brings up the significant aspect of Compliance Risk, a concept that has been for long relevant for Banks[2] and now becomes applicable for specified NBFCs as well. The Compliance Circular define Compliance Risk as follows:

‘the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, material financial loss or loss of reputation an NBFC may suffer, as a result of its failure to comply with laws, regulations, rules and codes of conduct, etc., applicable to its activities.’

Hence, Compliance Risk goes beyond mere fines and penalties that may arise as a result of compliance irregularities and the Compliance Function needs to consider the entire gamut of adverse events that a company may be exposed to as a result of compliance failures. These may include events with extreme impact such as suspension of business operation or loss of reputation as a result of enforcement action against senior management.

As a crucial piece of being able to anticipate such risks and to put necessary mitigation measures in place the Circular mandates putting in place an effective compliance risk assessment framework and the senior management to review such assessment annually.

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2022 in retrospect: Regulatory activity in the financial sector

– Vinod Kothari |

It has been a brisk year in terms of activity – a busy regulator kept  all regulated entities busier. This year marked the initiation of a new SBR framework for NBFCs – hence there was a lot of buzz in terms of understanding the new regulatory framework. The names of 16 Upper layer entities were declared by the RBI – consisting of 5 HFCs, 10 NBFC-ICCs, one CIC[1]. As is the design, UL entities are treated at par with banks in terms of regulatory intensity –hence, there is a LEF (large exposure framework), differential provisioning norms in case of  standard assets, CET-1 capital requirement, mandatory listing etc.

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