Author Archive for: admin
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Entries by admin
A site/journal dedicated to affordable housing finance
June 27, 2017 /0 Comments/in Housing finance /by adminFRDI Bill: Soon to be put into action by Niddhi Parmar
May 30, 2017 /1 Comment/in Insolvency and Bankruptcy /by adminThe speed with which the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “Code”) was enacted; the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “FRDI Bill”) will soon see the light of day1 . Both the Code and FRDI Bill is expected to provide a comprehensive resolution mechanism for […]
Amendments to the SEBI (Debenture Trustee) Regulations, 1993 by Somesh Lund
May 30, 2017 /0 Comments/in SEBI /by adminThe Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in its board meeting held on 26 April 2017 [1] has approved the amendments to the SEBI (Debenture Trustee) Regulations, 1993[2] (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”)as proposed in the consultative paper issued on 16 February 2017[3].The consultative paper was placed on SEBI’s website and suggestions were invited. […]
Action Plan for NPA Ordinance -Sequel 2
May 30, 2017 /0 Comments/in Banking Regulations, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, NBFCs /by adminBy Vallari Dubey ( Complementing the Ordinance on Non-Performing Assets (NPA)[1] which originally brought a whole new breeze in the resolution space in India, RBI has come up with a press release as a further to the first step in crystallizing the concept as laid down in the Ordinance. RBI has brought a lot of […]
SEBI’s proposal for more stringent Monitoring of Utilization of Issue Proceeds, by Somesh Lund, 22nd May, 2017
May 30, 2017 /0 Comments/in SEBI /by adminSEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009[1] (ICDR Regulations) requires that while raising funds from the public, the company has to mention the object for raising the fund. Thus to maintain the integrity of the above clause, SEBI in its board meeting conducted on April 26, 2017[2] has proposed stringent rules and provisions […]
Framework for consolidation and re-issuance of debt securities issued under the SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008, by Somesh Lund, 22nd May, 2017
May 30, 2017 /0 Comments/in SEBI /by adminThe Companies Act,1956 had provisions regarding the consolidation and reissuance of debt securities under section 121.This section gave the company power to keep the same security alive for the purpose of re-issue after it’s been redeemed. This helped the company to increase liquidity in the secondary debt market. However Companies Act, 2013 was silent on […]