Factors’ Registration Regulations: Going back to Square-one?
– Megha Mittal
On 14th January, 2022, the Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) notified the Registration of Factors (Reserve Bank) Regulations, 2022[1] (‘Registration Regulations’) laying down the manner of granting Certificate of Registration (‘CoR’) to companies which propose to do factoring business. Applicable with immediate effect, this may essentially seem like an undoing of the Factoring Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2021. One of the several objectives of the said Amendment was to allay a doubt, arising from the existing language of the Factoring Act, that entities either had to be principally into factoring business, or not do factoring at all. The RBI’s Regulations almost lead to the very result – either an entity has a Certificate of Registration (COR) as a factor, or it does not do factoring at all.
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