
Workshop on RBI Circular on Regulatory Measures on Consumer Credit by Banks & NBFCs

– Vinod Kothari |

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Our Resources on the topic:-

  1. RBI raises red flag on increasing personal loan
  2. FAQs on Regulatory measures towards consumer credit and bank credit to NBFCs
  3. Workshop on RBI Circular on Regulatory Measures in Consumer Credit by Banks & NBFCs (YouTube live)

RBI raises red flag on increasing personal loans

Increased risk weights on bank lending to NBFCs, Sectoral exposure limits among protective measures

– Vinod Kothari |

One may call it insecure about unsecured lending; the central bank has taken what in our view is a bold and timely measure, to rein in unsecured lending.

Identifying a notable surge in specific segments of consumer credit, the RBI had recently met senior bankers. The latter had reportedly assured the central bank that things are under control. However, apparently, these assurances have failed to assuage the RBI’s view. Vide its notification dated November 16, 2023, the RBI has taken several mitigating measures.

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