About the Summit

As Indian securitisation decisively enters a new phase in development, there are signals of credit concerns with certain sectors of priority lending. On the contrary, the market has consistently become comfortable with new non-priority-sector asset classes, and a completely new breed of investors emerged clearly. Even as listed securitised debt instruments were apparently attracting investors’ interest, it attracted regulators’ attention too, and SEBI has decided to significantly amend the regulatory framework for listed securitisation notes.
Of course, the most remarkable feature of the market is the entry of banks as issuers. Once they have tested the market, banks would come with a tremendous appetite for issuance, exposing the question: have we readied the investor base to pick up those significant issuance sizes? Thus, gaining the comfort of deep-pocketed investors has become the need of the hour.

These all developments explain the theme for this year’s Summit – the market has to embrace and live up to the new realities. The year is, therefore, a year of a quantum jump, aside from the shell of PSL-driven volumes.

Agenda, Speakers and other details regarding our 13th Securitisation Summit coming soon!!

Pre-Summit Workshop- May 22, 2025
Details coming soon…….

Publication launched during the 12th Summit

Vikas Path: The Securitised Path to Financial Inclusion

Key Takeaways from the 12th Summit

Our recent publications

Guide to Structured Finance

Securitisation & Transfer of Loan Exposures
– A Comprehensive Guide [details]

Our resources on new Securitisation and Transfer of Loan Directions

Reach us:

Qasim Saif | qasim@vinodkothari.com | +91-7987691533

Kaushal Shah | kaushal@vinodkothari.com | +91-9769069336