
MCA paves way for e-adjudication of penalties, extends C-PACE for LLPs strike off

-Lavanya Tandon, Executive & Shreshtha Barman, Executive |

Our related resources on the topic:

  1. Limitation on role of adjudicating authority
  2. LLPs slated for more stringent reforms

Presentation on Significant Beneficial Owners (for companies & LLPs)

Team Corplaw |

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Our article corner on SBO:

SBOs behind LLPs all set to be surfaced

– Avinash Shetty, Asst. Manager & Hari Dwivedi, Executive (


The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) in the year 2018, introduced the provision for declaration by individuals identified as Significant Beneficial Owners (‘SBOs’) for companies under section 90 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Act’). Subsequently, MCA extended the ambit of the said provisions to Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) through notification dated February 11, 2022. However, the notification prompted concerns and queries regarding the implementation of SBO provisions on LLPs. These concerns have been addressed by the recent notification dated  November 9, 2023 (‘LLP SBO Rules’). The rationale behind this extension is to align the framework for identification of SBO’s of LLPs with that of companies.

While the provisions are on similar lines as that brought for companies under the Act, however, the difference is mostly in terms of the manner of determining the SBOs in case of LLPs. In case of LLPs it is calculated based on holding of capital contribution (shares in case of companies), voting rights in respect of management or policy decisions of LLP (shares in case of companies) and right to receive or participate in distributable profits (dividend in case of companies) or any other distribution besides, the right to exercise control or significantly influence in any manner other than direct holdings.

The article explains the requirements of the LLP SBO Rules, obligations of the LLPs, and the actionables to be taken in order to comply with the requirements.

Read more

Applicability of Provisions of the Companies Act on LLPs & Reporting requirements: Recent changes

– Pammy Jaiswal, Partner and Neha Malu, Executive |

Professionals’ liability in LLPs: Limits of limitation

Vinod Kothari and Payel Jain |

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