Private sector banks to continuously monitor major shareholders
RBI Directions, 2023 require banks to have a mechanism to detect violation w.r.t. RBI prior approval and ‘fit and proper’ status
– Vinita Nair, Senior Partner |
Given their systemic significance, ensuring that ownership of banks neither gets concentrated, nor falls into wrong hands, has always been important. Therefore, acquisition of shares or voting rights (‘S/VR’) is strictly regulated by Section 12B of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (‘BR Act’), supplemented by RBI Directions issued from time to time. In the case of public sector banks, there is a ceiling of 10% of the total voting rights for shareholders other than the Central Government.
Section 12B of BR Act prescribes the requirement of prior approval of RBI in case of a person intending to become a “major shareholder”, that is, a holder with 5% of the S/VR in a banking company. The requirement is applicable where a person acquires or agrees to acquire S/VR, which could be (a) either directly or indirectly, and (b) whether alone, or by acting in concert with any other person. Hence, there is a need to do both horizontal aggregation [that is, relatives[1] and persons acting in concert (PAC)[2]], as well as vertical aggregation (that is, indirect acquisition through controlled entities or “associated enterprises[3]”.
This article discusses the possible pain points likely to be faced by the banks, other requirements under the new regime and actionable arising therefrom.
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