By Vinod Kothari
3rd Edition, 2006
Published by Wiley Finance
Vinod Kothari's treatise on securitization has been globally one of the most widely read publications on the subject. Brought by Wiley Finance, this comprehensively revised 3rd edition of this very popular text provides all that you would be looking for in a securitization text, whether from viewpoint of an investor, originator, issuer, lawyer, consultant, regulator, researcher or otherwise.Highlights of the new edition include:
- Comprehensively revised, the book now includes 30 Chapters covering all aspects of securitization in a global context.
- For the first time, there are over 3 dozen worksheets in a CD that illustrate cashflow modeling, prepayment projection, accounting treatment, investor analysis, etc. Workings that you would otherwise pay considerable money to have developed come to you along with the book, complete with most lucid, systematic explanation.
- Vinod Kothari is known for his clarity of expression – he builds bridges with the readers, not walls. You will find esoteric concepts coming clear.
- The book is by far the most comprehensive coverage – includes cashflow modeling, financial risks, operational risks, legal issues, taxation, accounting, Regulation AB, Basle II, and detailed coverage on several asset classes including latest developments such as intellectual property, embedded value in insurance, insurance risk, etc. Refer to detailed contents for full view of the contents.
- The book is most up-to-date, most chapters have been constantly revised even while in press. Besides, the author offers a complimentary update service.
To view the contents of the book – Click here