Ms. Aditi Jhunjhunwala
Ms. Aditi Jhunjhunwala is a commerce graduate from Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society, Kolkata under Calcutta University and an associate member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). As an expert in corporate laws, she leads the practice of corporate litigation including all secretarial matters undertaken by the sister concern of VKCPL. She is a Senior Associate at Vinod Kothari & Company, Practising Company Secretaries, Kolkata since the year 2011.
Aditi is a regular lecturer at ICSI (for their Student Induction Programmes and Executive Development Programmes). She has also deliberated in the sub-regional conference conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in Sambalpur on the "Recent Amendments in Corporate Laws".
She has written many articles on corporate law related topics which have been published in a number of journals.
Associate Company Secretary
Article on “Companies in Amalgamation not to follow procedure for increase in authorised capital” published in Corporate Professionals Today (Volume 32, Issue-4, February 2015)-a taxmann publication
Article on “More the merrier: MCA widens scope of undertaking CSR activities” published in Corporate Professionals Today (Volume 32, Issue 3, February 2015)-a taxmann publication
In addition, her articles are also published on websites such as www.moneylife.com, www.india-financing.com, www.clclubindia.com, www.vinodkothari.com, www.taxman.com, www.claonline.in, SEBI and Corporate Law Journals
Article on “Criminal liability of Corporate Officers: Supreme Court takes a negative view” in SCL Magazine in February 2015 issue-a taxmann publication.
Presentation on SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 published on CompaniesAct.in
Article on “Anomaly in PAS 3 for issue on bonus shares u/s 63 of the Companies Act, 2013” published in taxguru
Article on “Anomaly in MGT 10 for filing disclosure u/s 93 of the Companies Act, 2013” in taxguru
Article co-authored with Mr. Vinod Kothari on Approach to Secretarial Audit” published in in the e-corporate manager of Ahmedabad Chapter of ICSI for the month of November, 2014
Article on Companies (Accounts) Amendment, Rues 2014 published in taxguru
Article on MCA silently inserting backdating changes in Rules also published in moneylife.com
Article on “MCA in new ‘Avatar’ – Rule maker assumes new avatar of Law maker” published in Corporate professionals Today, Volume 29, April 2014 issue
Authored various articles on provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and Companies Act, 1956, published in journals/online such as journal by VIPCA, The Corporate Lender, E-Corporate Manager, the Companiesact.in, taxguru. Articles also published in various journals issued by taxmann
Article co-authored with Vinod Kothari on Disclosure of Fiduciary Information u/s 8(1)(e) of the RTI Act published on moneylife.com
Other articles on topic like White Label ATMs, Alternative Investment Fund Regulations, stamp duty issues also published in moneylife.com
Articles published in taxmann.com, SEBI and Corporate Law Journal, Corporate Law adviser on various analytical aspects of legal world
Articles published in newsletters of Institute of Company Secretaries (ICSI) of ndia and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on topics related to NBFCs, Secretarial Standards and other Corporate Law topics
Articles published on companiesact.in
Articles published on indiafinancing.com
Articles published on caclubindia.com
Deliberated on “CARO 2015, Audit Report – New Format and Depreciation” by Asansol ICAI
Guest Speaker at Study Circle Meeting on Secretarial Audit organised by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Eastern Region (ICSI, EIRC)
Deliberated on “Provisions relating to General Meetings, company formation etc.” organised by Views Exchange Chartered Accountants Study Circle, EIRC
Deliberated on “Provisions of Companies Act, 2013” in Study circles organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
Deliberated on “Recent Changes in Corporate Law” in Sub-Regional Conference of ICAI at Sambalpur in 2012
Invited as a Judge for Moot Court Competition in EIRC- CSI at the Regional level
Imparting Oral Tuition classes in Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Eastern Region (ICSI, EIRC)
Imparting Student Induction Programme sessions in ICSI, EIRC on topics:
Usefulness of reading newspaper
Personality Development
Presentation Skills
Interpersonal and communication skills including writing abilities
Significance of training and code of conduct for CS students
and other topics on soft skills and technical topics related to corporate laws
Providing opinions and advisory in matters connected to Company Law, SEBI and related Corporate Law
Advise and handle corporate litigation matters including appearance before the Company Law Board (CLB), High Court and DRT
Handling various assignments such as incorporation of companies and LLPs, shifting of registered office, condonation of delay etc. with various legal departments such as the Registrar of Companies, Regional Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Reserve Bank of India
Handling work related to corporate restructuring and advisory related thereto
Involved in conducting of due diligence, secretarial audit under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956/2013 and the Listing Agreement.
Drafting of joint venture agreements, petitions, applications, affidavit before various quasi judicial bodies
Phone: 91-33- 22817715/ 22811276/ 22813742
E-mail : aditi@vinodkothari.com
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