Our highly motivated staff and research associates write articles/presentations on our areas of professional interest to us. To encourage creativity, we have regular internal training sessions where we brain-storm selected topics. The articles below are meant for academic discussion and are not professional advice on any of the matters mentioned below. In addition, the articles express the view of the respective author. Further read our disclaimer below.
Below are some our staff presentations.
Upcoming Events
The Securitisation Summit, 2017
2 days Workshop on Affordable Housing Finance | 3rd – 4th March, 2017 | Mumbai
Series of Workshops on NBFC – SARFAESI & Bankruptcy | February – March, 2017 | Delhi | Mumbai | Kolkata
Direct Taxation:
- Securitisation Tax Rules : Uncertainty still prevails, by Nidhi Bothra, September 12, 2013
- Unconstitutionality of entry tax in West Bengal, by Neha Gupta, July 12 2013
- Securitisation: choosing between knit-picking and fabric changing, by Vinod Kothari, 3rd May, 2013 (The article explains the Finance Bill 2013 provisions on securitisation, and the options that originators and investors have within a short period by 1st June 2013.)
- Rebirth of Investment Allowance, by Rozy Jain, 06th March, 2013
- Infrastructure Bonds – now being eligible security for investment by Charitable/Religious trusts, by Nidhi Jain and Piyush Sinha, 26th September,2012
- Nothing can be more specific – GAAR provisions not to hit leasing transactions, by Nidhi Jain, 29th June, 2012
- Article: CBDT Group comes up with GAAR Gudielines, by Vinod Kothari, 29th June, 2012
- Note on Discussion Paper on Tax Accounting Standards, Nidhi Jain, October,2011
- Taxability on unincorporated JVs, Nidhi Bothra
- Presentation on Direct Tax Code, 2009, Vinod Kothari, March, 2010
Indirect Taxation:
- Sale, Service and works contract:Searching for the blurred lines, by Vinod Kothari & Sikha Bansal, 5th April, 2013
- Article – Duty Drawback Scheme under Customs Act, 1962 and Guidelines issued by Ministry of Finance, Abhijit Nagee, October, 2011
- Why India needs Goods & Service Tax, Vinod Kothari, July 2011
- Moving towards a composite Goods & Service Tax, Vinod Kothari, March, 2010
To see recent news and updates on Service Tax, Click Here
Other Categories:
- Foreign direct investments, starting business in India, etc
- Corporate laws, securities regulations, takeover regulations, etc
- Non Banking Financial Companies
- Leasing
- Limited Liability Partnership
- Secured Lending – SARFAESI
- Accounting Standards
- Microfinance
- Energy trading, carbon credits, innovative instruments.
- Taxation
- Joint Venture