This page intends to compile the latest news and updates on securitization from around the world.
- 14th February, 2017: Regulatory worries are over but asset quality worries continues for the Indian securitisation market
- 15th November, 2016: Indian securitization market is all set to bounce back
- 06th April, 2016:ISF’s effort on repealing distribution tax pays off [An ISF Press release]
- 04th March, 2016: Securitisation vehicle to tackle non performing loans in China
- 18th January, 2016: Bowie Bonds: A leap into future by a 20th century singer
- 16th December, 2015:Key changes proposed in European Securitisation Rules
- 4th December,2015:China- Now Asia’s biggest securitization market
- 17th February, 2015: European Commission’s “Green Paper”
- 5th February, 2015: Dunkin’ Brands Completes $2.6Billion Securitization Refinancing
- 2nd February, 2015: A Record Year for Insurance Linked Securities
- 2nd February, 2015: The EBA report on securitisation risk retention, due diligence and disclosure
- 30th December, 2014: IOSCO Paper on Simple, Transparent and Comparable (STC) securitization
- 17th December, 2014: Climb on the Great Wall of Chinese Securitisation Market
- 16th June 2014: CMBS Market Coming Back, by Shambo Dey, 16th June, 2014
- 11 April 2014: The Hue and Cry Over Basel Rules
- 11th January, 2014: Securitsation Seeing the Light of the Day
- 7th January, 2014: Worries growing over China’s NPL, January 7, 2014
- 2nd January, 2014: South Korea Passes Covered Bonds Act, the first in Asia, January 2, 2014
- 11th December, 2013: China’s First Asset Securitisation in Auto Leasing
- 6th December, 2013: IFSB to tighten scrutiny of Islamic finance institutions
- 30th November, 2013: Asia-Pacific securitisation reviving, as Singapore registers some securitisation deals
- 30th November, 2013: Home rental securitization deals opens up vistas to a massive market: Analysis of Invitation Homes REO-to-rental securitization
- 29th November, 2013: AIFMD exemption for Irish securitisation companies
- 29th November, 2013: Rooftop assets securitization deal highlights substantial scope in renewable energy securitization
- 29th November, 2013: Bank of England speaks pro-securitisation once again
- 3rd November, 2013 :Is Britain the new capital for Islamic Finance?
- 24th October, 2013 : Revival of Securitisation in Singapore.
- 7th October, 2013: Federal Agencies Repropose Risk Retention Requirements.
- 6th October, 2013: New found interest in Islamic Finance — IFN
- 25th September, 2013: Latest news update : China resumes securitisation.
- 27th August, 2013: China Banking Regulatory Commission widens the scope of ABS
- 19th August, 2013: Islamic banking debuts in India through Kerala endeavour
- 10th August, 2013: CRA3 Regulations: Twin ratings to be mandatory for structured finance instruments
- 31th July, 2013: Islamic Finance spreads its wing in North Africa’s smallest country TUNISIA
- 15th July, 2013: Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 Malaysia: Investor Friendly
- 29th June, 2013: CRI’s Research Report on China’s Asset Securitization, 2013 – 17
- 24th May, 2013: Morocco eyes sukuk issuance
- 17th March, 2013: CDOs knocking at the door, as Junk bond sales zoom
- 9th March, 2013:Solar energy market gets hot! – Initiatives to provide access to low cost public capital
- 18th March, 2013: BofA-MBIA securitisation litigation trudges on
- 16th March, 2013: Asset Securitisation Business of Securities Companies to get a new Administrative Rules says CSRC
- 16th March, 2013: FHFA puts Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the same boat for securitisation operations
- 18th February, 2013: Securitisation in India to pick up in FY 2013-14
- 27th January, 2013: RBI’s Committee recommends promoting fixed rate long term loan products
- 9th January, 2013: RBI new CDS guidelines: Feeble effort to a start a non-starting product
- 2nd January, 2013: Basel proposes total recast of securitisation capital requirements
- 11th December,2012: India allows “infrastructure” status to AAA MBS
- 11th December, 2012: Direct Assignment and securitisation under the RBI Guidelines
- 26th November, 2012: Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission Approves First ABS issue by ICBC Leasing in CAMP Style
- 26th November, 2012: Dutch Market Players form an Association
- 20th November, 2012: CMBS 2.0 A New Ray of Light for the European Market
- 19 November, 2012: SEC’s Annual Examination Report of the Credit Rating Agencies: A Major Jolt and Concern for the Agencies
- 26 October, 2012: Covered Bonds with NHB- Intermediation Coming
- 15 October, 2012: White Paper on proposed New Infrastructure, for Secondary Motgage Market
- 3 October, 2012:New York Attorney General Sues JP Morgan Securities For RMBS Fraud
- 3 October, 2012:UK CMBS Market seems like reviving, with RBS sub-performing CMBS deal
- 8 August, 2012: NAFMII releases draft rules for a Securitisation Instrument for non-financial users
- 14 July, 2012: SEC Finalises Derivatives Rules
- 25 June, 2012: US RMBS Trends Stabilising – S&P Director speaks
- 11 June, 2012: Covered Bond-Alternative Funding Tool in the Turkish Housing Market
- 30 April, 2012: Securitisation Revives in Russia
- 21 April, 2012: S&P sees revival of private label RMBS in the US market:Credit-Suisse’s issuance
- 5 April, 2012: MAS Proposes Covered Bonds Rules Singapore
- 5 April, 2012: Second round of Pilot Securitization Program in China
- 3 December, 2011: SEC proposes rules to prohibit conflict of interest in ABS transactions
- 26 September, 2011: BofA settlement, exposes breach of fiduciary duties of trustees
- 15th September, 2011:S&P reports warn on covered bonds risk
- 15th September, 2011:Australia introduces Covered Bonds legislation
- 15th September, 2011:The mess in mortgage markets continues – Federal agency files suits against 17 top mortgage securitizers; foreclosure suits continue to face problems
- 15th August, 2011: Risks in Covered Bonds – S&P Director speaks
- 28 July, 2011: Turkey’s first covered bond issuance
- 28 July, 2011: Non-US ABS volumes for first half of 2011 shows signs of revival
- 28 July, 2011: UK Supreme Court affirms flip clauses in securitisation waterfall
- 28 July, 2011: BIS Joint Forum sees need to revive securitisation market: Endorses Economics of Securitisation
- 28 July, 2011: SEC re-proposes ABS shelf registration rules
- 26 July, 2011: Sukuk Guidelines revised by Malaysian Securities Commission
- 7 May, 2011: Bank Lending to Microfinance Companies: A Question of Priority
- 5 May, 2011: Covered Bonds Bill considered again to promote covered bonds in US
- 30 April, 2011: Securitisation volumes in India fall by 29% – ICRA Report
- 09 April, 2011: UK’s FSA reviews regulatory framework for Covered Bonds
- 09 April, 2011: Global Securitisation volumes on a rise by 49%: TheCityUK Reports
- 06 April, 2011: Australia’s draft Covered Bonds bill
- 06 April, 2011: Turkey’s maiden Covered Bonds issue
- 16 March, 2011: Covered Bonds funding by banks’ on a rise but modest – Fitch Report
- 11 August, 2010: RBI places draft report of Internal Group on Introduction of Credit Default Swaps (CDS) for Corporate Bonds
- 7 August, 2010: ASF’s speaks market sentiments to SEC to reconsider retention rule
- 2 August, 2010: FDIC’s pilot securitization program
- 25 June, 2010: IASB issues ED of new standard on revenue recognition
- 4 June, 2010: Hong Kong’s new regulations for structured investment products
- 27 May, 2010: US FASB presents new exposure draft of Accounting for Financial Instruments
- 13 May, 2010: FDIC issues NPR on securitization safe harbor
- 21 April, 2010: RBI proposes guidelines on minimum risk retention and minimum holding period for securitisation transactions in India
- April, 2010: SEC proposes changes to Regulation AB
- April, 2010: Covered Bond Act in US
- 24 December, 2009: FDIC proposal for amended safe harbor rules ushers era of on-balance sheet securitizations
- 23 December, 2009: Mega US financial restructuring bill mandates risk retention in securitization
- 12 December, 2009: UK financial regulators propose amendments to capital regulations
- 7 December, 2009: Consensus on OTC derivatives regulations
- 12 October, 2009: ASF official suggests Securitization regulatory reforms
- 23 September, 2009: IMF recommends restarting securitization
- 11 September, 2009: Yet another credit crisis ruling: Morgan Stanley, Rating agencies defence in SIV Cheyne compensation claim dismissed
- 10 September, 2009: Insurance Securitisation important and growing: IAIS report
- 10 September, 2009: IOSCO recommends securitisation and CDS regulations
- 7 August, 2009: Yet another shock to bankruptcy remoteness – UK Chancery Court temporarily defends attack by Lehman’s counsels
- 19 June, 2009: Department of Treasury proposes new regulations for securitization and CDS transactions
- 15 June, 2009: Over with off balance sheet securitization – FASB issues new standards on securitization accounting
- 21 May, 2009: FASB’s proposed changes to bring US GAAP securitization accounting close to IFRS
- 11 May, 2009: General Growth CMBS SPEs file for bankruptcy: One more nail in the coffin of securitization
- 8 May, 2009: European Parliament adopts new capital rules for banks
- 6 May, 2009: IOSCO recommends regulations of securitisation and credit-derivatives
To see our 2009 news on securitisation click here
To see securitization news for previous years click here