
Inter-lender balance transfer of loans: understanding the nuances

-Kanakprabha Jethani (

A crucial feature of the financial sector industry is that the services provided by financial institutions, including the interest rates charged, are not identical and hence, the customer has a choice to approach the lender whose offerings suit the needs of the customer. The choice is influenced by various factors including the ease of onboarding process, information sought, interest and charges levied, customer redressal mechanism etc. In the lending industry, given the options available with the borrower, it has been a common practice to move to new lenders when they provide more favourable terms. Read more

Comments on Discussion Paper on Corporate Liquidation Process

-Resolution Division 


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (‘IBBI’/ ‘Board’) issued Discussion Paper on Corporate Liquidation Process, dated 26th August, 2020 (‘DP’)[1] which envisages the introduction of (a) Assignment of Not Readily Realisable Assets (‘NRRA’) and (b) Assignment of Claims/ Interests.

Herein below we put forth our general and specific comments/ suggestions on the DP-

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